Posted by: tinyoliphant | April 24, 2010


Somehow my sneezing and running nose from allergies has segued into sneezing and running nose from actually be sick. I have also temporarily lost all sense of smell, and, with that, all sense of taste. I have no idea how this happened. This especially sucks because I’m anticipating to work about 60 hours next week.

Right now I’m drinking lots of hot tea with honey and lemon and reading backlogged Danny Wallace columns on I will probably go to bed at 9:30 tonight.

Update: My snot color has changed from frightening yellow to clear. That’s a good sign, right? Right?? Yay!

Update 2: Fever coming on. So cold. Guess it’s time for bed.


  1. i’m telling you, look at pictures of sick ppl! :P

    get better soon, snook’ums

    • Haha, maybe I should just look in the mirror.

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